• GGRF projects

    ~$3M to $10M in funding and tailored support to help scale a commercialized technology in the United States

  • Resources

    Open sourcing our frameworks, toolkits, and guides we use to deploy projects in real communities and help climate companies scale

Our Team

Antoinette West

Senior Career Pathways Manager, Equity & Access

"Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors." - Jonas Salk

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Antoinette identifies and supports the creation of career pathways (internships & careers) in the climate, clean infrastructure, and innovation sectors while prioritizing frontline and low-income communities of color, who are often impacted first and worst by climate change and excluded from career opportunities in its solutions.

Prior to Elemental Excelerator

Antoinette West is a multi-passionate social impact practitioner, cultural anthropologist, Colorado Native and HBCU grad *does the Howard hand* She recieved her MBA in Sustainable Management and MPA in Sustainable Solutions from Presidio Graduate School. Her previous roles included Project Director for ACT303, a collective impact group with the mission to ensure residents and business owners vulnerable to displacement have the tools and resources they need to thrive in the Denver-metro-area, and Manager of K-8 and Virtual Career Exploration within the Office of Career and College Success at Denver Public Schools.

Outside of the office

Antoinette is binge watching the latest Netflix series, vibing to a new spotify playlist, off on a new adventure, or starting a new hobby as a jill of all trades.