• GGRF projects

    ~$3M to $10M in funding and tailored support to help scale a commercialized technology in the United States

  • Resources

    Open sourcing our frameworks, toolkits, and guides we use to deploy projects in real communities and help climate companies scale

Our Team

Lauren Tonokawa

Managing Director, Creative

“Innovation for impact is something worth doing and something worth sharing.”

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Lauren leads the Elemental Excelerator’s creative team. This includes developing and executing the organization’s outreach and brand strategy.

Prior to Elemental Excelerator

Lauren started as a R.I.S.E. (Rewarding Internships for Sustainable Employment) intern just as the Elemental Excelerator was taking shape in 2012. After graduating from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a degree in marketing, she joined the team full time. Lauren also worked in the marketing department of Sopogy, a Hawaii-based solar thermal startup.

Outside of the office

Outside of the office, she enjoys playing volleyball, spending time with family, and enjoying the beauty of living in Hawaii. She also writes a column on energy and innovation for the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.