• GGRF projects

    ~$3M to $10M in funding and tailored support to help scale a commercialized technology in the United States


Elemental Live: Nature-Based Carbon Removal Deep Dive


Nature-based solutions (NbS), defined as actions that address societal challenges by protecting, managing, and restoring ecosystems, are critical to maintaining a healthy planet for all. From a climate perspective, our forests, soils, oceans, and variety of other ecosystems are essential for drawing down carbon and combating climate change. Moreover, NbS provide a variety of key co-benefits, from biodiversity to food production to cultural and economic livelihoods.

As of late, there’s been surging interest in NbS for their carbon removal potential, as their carbon credits offer new financial means for conservation. That said, these credits are susceptible to low prices and raise concerns about permanence, measurement, additionality, and ultimately, greenwashing. So the question is, how should we evaluate NbS, and how can we equitably scale NbS to ensure effective carbon removal?

Join us as we discuss the future of nature-based carbon removal and what corporates like Shopify, and companies like Climate Robotics and DroneSeed are doing to scale these solutions.
